List of unsubscribers
Over time, subscribers will start unsubscribing from any mailing list. Those who do so, will be entered into the list of unsubscribers.
Recipients begin unsubscribing for various reasons:
- Mailings come too frequently
- The content no longer interests them
- Subscribers want to reduce the general amount of mail coming into their inbox
- The context of the e-mails is not relevant for them
- They subscribed only for a one-time offer (for example, a gift)
- They use other channels for receiving the information they need
The addresses of recipients who unsubscribe from a mailing list sent out through an SMTP server from SendPulse, will automatically be entered into the list of blocked e-mail addresses. Any further e-mails to these addresses will be blocked from being sent.
Manual deleting
The functional SMTP service allows the user to manually add addresses of recipients who wish to unsubscribe from the mailing list. This allows clients to stop receiving mailings for once and for all, without the routine operations of searching for the necessary address and deleting it from the list of subscribers.