Email Marketing

How to Craft Epic Product Launch Emails Every Time

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How to Craft Epic Product Launch Emails Every Time

We get it, launching new products is a challenge in itself, and things can easily slip through the cracks. However, learning how to write powerful product launch emails is a must if you want your launch to get the attention it deserves.

This post will help you understand how to build anticipation before the launch, present your product in the best light, and ask for customers’ opinions on it. We’ll show you 10 effective product launch email examples and attention-grabbing product launch email subject lines to draw inspiration from.

What is a product launch email?

A product launch email is an email that you send to your mailing list to inform them that you’re launching a new product, service, or feature. It helps you create intrigue and make sure your subscribers will be the first ones to hear about your launch. In short, it’s like a press release but for your existing and potential customers, so it’s more informal and conversion-oriented.

There are three product launch email types:

  1. Pre-launch emails for creating suspense, warming up your audience, and getting them excited about your upcoming news.
  2. Launch emails for presenting your new product and describing its benefits.
  3. Post-launch emails for gathering your customers’ reactions and feedback.

For big-scale announcements, you will certainly need to use all three types to ensure publicity for your product. For smaller presentations, it might be enough to use simple launch emails if you don’t want to overwhelm your audience with frequent messages.

Take a look at this feature launch email from Asana.

feature launch email
A feature launch email from Asana; source: Really Good Emails

This is a pre-launch email — the feature isn’t live yet, but the recipient can already imagine how much easier their workflow will be once it’s available. You can use this format to nurture your audience and educate them on how to benefit from your new offer.

Help your audience recognize the true value of your offer by using sophisticated lead-nurturing emails!

In addition, launch emails are extremely useful for reminding your subscribers about your existing products and your brand in general. “We’re about to launch X, but for now, why don’t you take another look at Y, which will make your experience with X even better” — this is a proven way to bring your customers back on track.

Launch emails help you upsell your products — you can target customers who aren’t big spenders and show them how they can achieve more by taking advantage of your new, more premium product.

How to write better product launch email subject lines

If you want to ensure publicity for your product, you need to make every element of your launch email work for you, starting with the subject lines. You want them to communicate the importance and time-sensitivity of your announcement, or else it’ll blend in.

Here are some prompts to help you get started:

  • X changes everything
  • Meet the new X
  • Say hello to X
  • Have you tried X?
  • There’s someone we would like you to meet
  • New X, launching tomorrow. Don’t miss it
  • Now available! X 2.0
  • X is finally here!
  • Find out what’s new in…
  • You asked for It, you got it
  • X just got better!
  • Have you met X?
  • Start doing X with Y
  • X is now better than ever
  • Take your X to the next level
  • Today’s the day
  • X has arrived!
  • Be first to…
  • Your new favorite X
  • Now available!
  • Be the first one to see X
  • The wait is over
  • In case you missed it…
  • Coming soon!
  • X is now live!
  • It’s here. X you always wanted

There are a few things to keep in mind when writing product launch email subject lines. Firstly, you want them to be as brief and to the point as possible. Your goal is to awaken your reader’s curiosity, so it’s not the right time for verbosity and vague, abstract phrases.

Secondly, it makes sense to address your audience directly and acknowledge that their feedback helped you develop this new product that better suits their needs.

Finally, don’t disregard sensationalism completely. Product launch and announcement emails can tolerate bold, descriptive adjectives and exclamation points as long as they represent how you and your team actually feel about the upcoming launch. Reserve neutral, mundane words for later — don’t shy away from sharing your genuine excitement with your subscribers.

Design and copywriting tips for product launch emails

Let’s move on from the subject lines to other core elements of a product launch email. To make your launch emails truly show-stopping, follow these practices:

  1. Opt for prominent, epic headlines. Since you’re sharing some big news with your audience, you have to be loud, at least visually.
  2. Include jaw-dropping visuals. A launch email is not the place for subpar images. Put your best foot forward and prepare stunning renders, hypnotic photos, thrilling video clips, or high-resolution screenshots.
  3. Choose user-centric language. Make sure that your launch email is about the user and the problems you’re solving for them with your new product. Give them reasons why they should care about it.
  4. List advantages. At this point, it’s too early to make your audience dive into lengthy descriptions — just give them a small teaser and announce the key benefits of your new product using bullet points.
  5. Choose simplicity over embellishments and wordiness. Save custom illustrations and GIFs for later. Product launch emails need to be substantial and informative, otherwise, your audience won’t pay enough attention to what you have to say.
  6. Let the product photos, demo, or video do the talking. Put your visuals front and center and go easy on your copy. Use bite-sized descriptions and short sentences to keep your email skimmable.
  7. Pay special attention to your CTA buttons. You want them to be especially inviting and relevant to the rest of your email. If you haven’t launched your product yet, use calls to action such as “Pre-order now” or “Learn more about…” And if you have, try “Find the nearest location,” “Shop now,” or “Try now” to signal that your customers should act quickly.

Check out our product launch email examples to see these tips in action and pick up additional tricks.

Best product launch email examples to learn from

The rules of thumb we’ve just listed are applicable to product launches of any magnitude. Let’s look at how popular brands manage to keep their audience on the edge of their seat and create delightful new product emails time after time.


Surely enough, Apple knows how to build anticipation before presenting another state-of-the-art device to the public. Their launches always create buzz and make people queue outside of the Apple Stores for hours, if not days.

Apple’s launch emails are nothing short of breathtaking. They pair slick, minimalistic images with powerful and inspiring copy so the user has no chance to stay indifferent.

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A product launch email example from Apple; source: Really Good Emails

The quality is in the details. Despite the black background, the email copy remains perfectly legible, thanks to the wise typeface choice. The CTA buttons are very noticeable but not overwhelming — the blue shade is one of the accent colors, so they don’t stick out.

The headlines are snappy, almost chopped, but they harmoniously fit within the overall aesthetic and mood of the email. Overall, this is a fantastic new product email example — it doesn’t reveal too much, but it instantly encourages the reader to experience the presentation firsthand.

New Custom

Let’s say, you don’t want to tease your audience too much — instead, you want to present your new product as is, without creating unnecessary mysteries around it. Our next example illustrates how that can be done.

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A product launch email example from New Custom; source: Really Good Emails

This example is the opposite of the launch email from Apple we looked at earlier. For starters, it has a very light, open, and welcoming design with a cozy typeface and a warm color palette. Also, it tells the whole story right away — we can study every inch of the new item and appreciate its high quality without even opening the product page.

The brand intentionally reveals the full variety of the coaster series to show that there’s something for everyone. We can not only learn how they’re made but also see them in action. At the same time, this informative email isn’t text-heavy — the visuals are the ones stealing the show.


There are major launches, and then there are small-scale updates your audience still deserves to know about. To announce the latter, you can use more factual language — explain why you decided to improve upon the existing product and how it’ll positively affect your customer base.

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A product launch email example from Dermatica; source: Really Good Emails

This example demonstrates just how powerful a launch email can be when it has enough substance. One quick look at this message is enough to understand the value of the improved product as well as why it has been improved. The text is formatted in a way that is easy to read, and the bolded keywords make it even more scannable. Instead of “boring” bullet points, the brand is using intuitive icons to illustrate the main benefits of the new formula.


If you don’t want to make your product launch emails too pompous and formal, you don’t have — it’s always better to stay true to your unique brand persona and use the tone of voice your target audience is accustomed to.

Here’s an example of a conversational yet informative pre-launch email from Moment, a marketplace for creatives of all sorts.

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A product launch email example from Moment; source: Really Good Emails

If you want to keep it casual, follow this example and phrase your announcement in a natural, friendly, and relaxed way. Notice how this pre-launch email isn’t begging the recipient to support the project — it just shows what the brand has been working on and why this particular bag is better than any alternatives.

Google Pixel

Let’s look at another clean, value-centered launch email example from Big Tech. This time, it’s Google promoting its new smartphone, and we can clearly see that minimalistic design has become so popular for a reason. This clean layout lets the product itself shine and creates a distraction-free visual experience.

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A product launch email example from Google; source: Really Good Emails

There’s barely any text in this email — the main focus is on the images and headlines. This approach allows the company to present its new product without saying too much. Instead, the user is encouraged to click on one of the numerous CTA buttons and learn more about the features they’re most interested in.

Austin Eastciders

This is, probably, the cheekiest and most creative example in our product launch email collection. The fizzy drink brand team reveals how real Instagram DMs from their customers made them give one of their bestsellers a new, bigger package.

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A product launch email example from Austin Eastciders; source: Really Good Emails

This is a bright, fun, and unconventional way of telling your audience that you improved your product based on their feedback. The email itself is peachy, both literally and figuratively, because of its design and tone of voice — it’s obviously targeting Gen Z and doing so quite successfully.


You don’t have to create expensive 3D visualizations or custom illustrations for your new product emails — quality product photos sprinkled with lifestyle content will also do the trick, especially if your goal is to communicate a certain mood.

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A product launch email example from Danner; source: Really Good Emails

To make sure that your launch emails look and feel absolutely authentic, use photos with influencers from your niche instead of regular models. They’ll help you capture the right vibe and demonstrate how your new product fits into their daily routine and lifestyle.


If you’re out of creative ideas for your product launch emails, use this example as an inspiration source. Wufers is a dog food brand with quirky, limited-edition dog treats, and their email design often revolves around that fact.

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A product launch email example from Wufers; source: Really Good Emails

As a result, this launch email stands out and immediately grabs the recipient’s attention because of its unusual, and appetizing, look. What makes this message even more click-worthy is the fact that it describes an extremely limited and exclusive offer.

Magic Spoon Cereal

Use the power of social proof in your post-launch emails to leverage FOMO and put even your most hesitant subscribers into a buying mood. Magic Spoon Cereal does exactly that after successfully launching a few new flavors.

product launch email example
A product launch email example from source: Really Good Emails

This positive, bright, and convincing example proves that the best product launch emails are the ones that stand out from the mass and don’t try to mimic someone else’s style.

It’s a smart move on Magic Spoon Cereal’s part to include customer testimonials in its post-launch emails because the brand is relatively new and innovative, so cautious customers may want to read online reviews before purchasing their first pack.

Your key to fabulous product launch emails

Next time you need to announce an upcoming product or feature, try SendPulse to streamline your email marketing efforts. Our platform allows you to shift your focus from the technical side of things to more creative and fulfilling tasks.

We offer a customizable template library, an intuitive drag-and-drop editor, an email automation service, email analytics, a CRM, and other useful tools along with fair pricing, supporting materials, and 24/7 support. You can upload your contact list and get started in minutes!

Date of publication:

6 Oct. 2022

Elena Timofeeva

Good writing makes my heart beat faster. So does a good conversion rate. In my free time, I obsessively learn...

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