
Best Telegram Bot Examples to Get Inspired by in 2024

Best Telegram Bot Examples to Get Inspired by in 2024

Telegram is an evolving platform that is famous for its security, message delivery speed, and lots of development perks that make communication enjoyable. One such perk is chatbots that are available 24/7 and can deliver lots of helpful information in a blink of an eye.

There is already a good number of bots helping people get information on a variety of topics. In this post, we’ll look at the best chatbots Telegram can offer in 2024. Get ready for some inspiration!

Telegram bot example #1: Eddy Travels

Industry: travel

Purpose: searches for flights, hotels, and restaurants

Name: @EddyTravels_bot

This is one of the best Telegram bots for travelers. Powered by Skyscanner, it helps users discover the best deals for flights, accommodations, and places to visit. Just pick a destination or choose the “take me anywhere” option to get inspired.

If you search for flights or hotels, it will bring you the top three results or offer a link to Skyscanner for more options. For places to visit, it will open the place on Google maps.

Eddy Travels bot searching for coffee shops

The bot saves your location so that you don’t have to go through the same scenario again and again. It also has inline commands: to use them, type /flights, /hotels, or /places to get the category you need.

Perks for users: everything you want to know about a specific destination in your messenger. The bot’s developers claim to use machine learning and “other software magic” to bring the most relevant search results.

Perks for business: apart from bringing value to customers, this Telegram chatbot attracts free referral traffic to Skyscanner and other partner websites.

Telegram bot example #2: Jobs Bot

Industry: HR, career

Purpose: conducts a first-round interview to collect basic information about applicants

Name: @jobs_bot

This bot lists job opportunities at Telegram helping its team discover new talents. The bot also asks various questions, depending on the exact position the user is interested in.

Users can learn about new job openings at Telegram and apply using this bot

Perks for users: instead of writing a typical job application email, applicants can use this bot to quickly submit necessary information and know for sure that their application has been delivered and will soon be processed — no guesswork required.

Perks for business: a conversational bot streamlines the whole application process and makes it less formal. The HR specialist receives all the information they need to initially vet candidates and decide whom to invite for an interview.

Discover some possible use cases for HR chatbots and get a bunch of examples and tips in our recent blog post!

Telegram bot example #3: Asos Helper bot

Industry: eCommerce

Purpose: helps users compare product prices and save money

Name: @AsosHelperbot

Asos is one of the biggest worldwide retailers. Depending on the country and currency you choose when placing an order, prices will vary. The bot helps compare prices across all of Asos’s websites and chooses the lowest price for a given product.

Price comparison from Asos Helper bot

Perks for users: allows users to save money or make a better decision.

Perks for business: such chatbot mechanics can be used by eCommerce companies to allow their consumers to compare lots of things like prices, brands, places, or ingredients. This method can facilitate purchases in the consideration stage, and help people make better-informed decisions.

Telegram bot example #4: Pomodoro Bot

Industry: time management, personal development

Purpose: helps users measure chunks of time for better productivity

Name: @pomodoro_timer_bot

This is a fully functional Pomodoro timer for working in sprints and minimizing distractions. Users can set it for 5, 15, or 25 minutes.

Pomodoro bot helps Telegram users take back control of their screen time

Perks for users: the timer works within the messenger, so, unlike a regular timer, it’s harder to miss or ignore.

Perks for business: by providing users with intuitive productivity tools like this one, businesses can win their trust and loyalty.

Check out some time-management principles, techniques, and strategies to help you regain control of your time and increase productivity.

Telegram bot example #5: File Converter

Industry: any

Purpose: converts files from one format to another

Name: @newfileconverterbot

Not all of us have the latest Adobe Acrobat version at our disposal. What if you need to convert a photo of a document into a PDF or PNG when you’re on the go, far from your PC? This Telegram bot will lend you a helping hand.

File Converter chatbot for Telegram

The only catch is that the free version will make you wait for the result for a minute or two. You can convert up to 30 files a day for free.

Perks for users: it’s the easiest way to convert files to 10+ common formats without the need to use some shady data-mining websites.

Perks for business: the bot promotes its creator’s main Telegram channel where they share their professional updates, projects, stickers, and more.

Telegram bot example #6: Zoom

Industry: any

Purpose: creates Zoom meetings

Name: @zoombot

Here’s another Telegram bot example created by a big brand in order to facilitate their customer’s journey. Zoom is a video conferencing app. Its bot for Telegram can be added to your contact list and help you create or join a meeting on the spot.

Creating a meeting using Zoom’s Telegram bot

Perks for users: easy to create and join meetings. The bot can be also added to a group chat and deployed for every member.

Perks for business: this way Zoom enables remote teams to create video calls right in their chat groups. Other businesses can use the same mechanic to register or subscribe users.

Telegram bot example #7: Android News

Industry: IT

Purpose: provides news about Android platforms

Name: @AndroidNewsRobot

This simple Telegram chatbot delivers news about the latest Android releases and technology news. When you start the bot, you subscribe to the feed.

Android News feed in Telegram

Perks for users: easy to find and read the news on a specific topic.

Perks for business: this kind of a bot can become your content distribution channel so you can get more traffic to your blog or social groups.

Telegram bot example #8:

Industry: any

Purpose: allows users to generate disposable email addresses and receive emails

Name: @DropmailBot

If you prefer not to disclose your email address online, protecting it from spam and scammers, you can rely on this Telegram bot to generate a disposable email address whenever you need one.

The DropMail bot for Telegram

This Telegram bot allows you to receive confirmation or activation emails and complete registrations on websites in a hassle-free way. The email used for signing up on platforms is automatically deleted ten minutes after its use. You can also delete it even earlier, manually.

Perks for users: a straightforward way to speed up sign-ups while preserving anonymity.

Perks for business: simple tools like the DropMail bot can help users feel more confident and protected online.

Telegram bot example #9: Faino

Industry: mental health

Purpose: helps regain calm and productivity in a few minutes

Name: @faino_psy_bot

This is a self-help chatbot for those who are struggling with anxiety and other negative thoughts and feelings. It’s intended to help users regain their mental balance and cope with stress by using grounding techniques, breathing exercises, and affirmations.

Exploring Faino, a mental health Telegram bot

Faino won’t replace a real therapist, and it’s not intended to do so. The bot’s main goal is to provide psychological support in stressful situations where nothing else is available. This Telegram bot is completely anonymous and available in five languages.

Perks for users: a pocket friend that feels personal and approachable.

Perks for business: solutions that democratize mental health services are needed more than ever. By creating similar bots, healthcare providers and coaches can share their expertise and improve the quality of life of many users.

Telegram bot example #10: SongID

Industry: entertainment

Purpose: helps identify music just like Shazam

Name: @SongIDsupportbot

SongID scans for music in videos and Telegram audio messages. With this bot, you can easily find out the name of that cool track that is playing in the background of your friend’s voice message.

The SongID bot for identifying music on Telegram

Simply upload a video or record a voice message, and you’ll receive an instant reply, along with a direct link to the song on YouTube, Spotify, or Deezer. This Telegram bot also recognizes forwarded audio messages.

Perks for users: a powerful open-source alternative to Shazam that also supports uploads.

Perks for business: bots like this one enable Telegram users to get the most out of the messenger and enjoy communication without having to switch between apps.

Telegram bot example #11: Skeddy

Industry: personal effectiveness

Purpose: reminds about their “to do” list or events

Name: @SkeddyBot

This bot is a helping hand to those who are always late or forget things in an instant. Here you can create simple reminders just by sending the bot a message like “pick up Mary at 10 pm” or even craft complex ongoing schedules like “drink a glass of water every two hours.”

A simple reminder setup with Skeddy bot

Perks for users: allows you to create reminders in a breeze and always be on time.

Perks for business: at first glance, such Telegram bots have no direct business utility, but they can work as a piece of helpful branded content. Consider creating something small and useful — and in turn, people will interact with your brand every day. This bot in particular could also share links on how to improve time management and provide traffic to a blog or website.

Telegram bot example #12: VoteBot

Industry: any

Purpose: creates polls

Name: @vote

This bot helps create polls and share them in groups or channels. You can add two or more answer options. The poll can be public or anonymous.

Creating a poll with VoteBot

Perks for users: the bot allows people to express their opinion and engage with a group even if they are not ready for chatting.

Perks for business: it allows engagement from members of your group or channel. For instance, some IT companies create polls about new product features like: What should we do next? or How do you like the release? Creating polls is a good way to show that you are client-oriented and listen to your consumers.

Telegram bot example #13: ChatGPT bot

Industry: any

Purpose: does everything ChatGPT does

Name: @chatgpt_tfrbot

ChatGPT bot can be used as a Telegram translator bot — it can translate, explain, or even rewrite any text. It can also summarize YouTube videos, website articles, and more.

ChatGPT bot for Telegram

This Telegram bot can seriously streamline professional and personal communications on Telegram, allowing users to instantly research new topics, get an overview of wordy articles, and find answers to complex questions.

Perks for users: a pocket version of ChatGPT.

Perks for business: by creating a Telegram bot version of your software, you can get closer to your users who rely on the messenger to chat with friends, family, and colleagues.

Telegram bot example #14: Feed Reader Bot

Industry: news, entertainment

Purpose: helps users not miss a single post on the topic they’re following

Name: @TheFeedReaderBot

This bot monitors RSS feeds, blogs, and social media accounts to notify users when new posts are published. It also offers a list of news feeds to start with.

Read your RSS feed and favorite niche blogs without leaving Telegram

Perks for users: helps them receive news and expert posts without ever leaving their favorite communication channel.

Perks for business: businesses can use similar bots to stay in contact with their customers by providing them with useful industry-related information on a regular basis.

Telegram bot example #15: URL Shortener

Industry: software, tools

Purpose: shortens unruly, cluttered links

Name: @urlshorten_bot

This is a simple bot for shortening URLs with the help of Google and Bitly.

Turn long links into clean and short ones with this Telegram bot

Perks for users: it’s easier for users to converse and exchange links with each other on Telegram when they have a URL shortener at their fingertips.

Perks for business: digital companies can ignite their audience’s interest and win their trust by providing them with similar must-have tools for messengers.

Telegram bot example #16: Smokey

FYI: this bot doesn’t work anymore

Industry: environment

Purpose: provided real-time worldwide air pollution data

This bot used location to identify air pollution levels and provided guides on smog, at-risk areas, and how to survive and reduce air pollution.

Smokey bot checking the quality of air in San Francisco

Perks for users: a very useful tool for environmentally-conscious people or people with health concerns.

Perks for business: this is a great way to educate people on a specific concept and drive social initiatives.

Telegram bot example #17: Food Rescuer Bot

FYI: this bot doesn’t work anymore

Industry: social

Purpose: collected information about food leftovers and shared it for those in need

This bot combated the global food waste problem by helping to redistribute leftovers. You could chat with the bot and say what you had left, and it would post this information into a special channel.

Food Rescuer Bot collecting information on leftover food

Perks for users: you can stop food waste and help people in need.

Perks for business: a location-based scenario can be used in different industries, for example, for classified boards or marketplaces.

Telegram bot example #18: MamaBot

FYI: this bot doesn’t work anymore

Industry: parenting, infotainment

Purpose: educated soon-to-be parents on their baby’s developmental stages

This bot provided information and a visual aid for parents wanting to know how big their baby currently was and what was happening to them at this very moment.

Future moms could learn how their pregnancy proceeded day by day

Perks for users: it’s an easy way for future parents to “observe” how their baby is growing without having to do an ultrasound.

Perks for business: medical and pharmaceutical companies can benefit from adopting similar tools for informal customer education and entertainment since they are not allowed to directly advertise medical procedures and drugs on most social media platforms.

Inline Telegram bot examples

Industry: any

Purpose: provide users with content

Name: @gif, @vid, @pic, @bing, @wiki, @imdb, @music, and @stickers

These bots are omnipresent and can be used in any of your channels, chats, or groups without even adding them as members. To see them in action, you only have to type in some keywords — and the bot will offer you relevant content:

  • @gif will send you a gif from Giphy;
  • @vid will send you a video from youtube;
  • @pic and @bing will send you images;
  • @wiki will send a related article;
  • @imdb will provide you with a link to films in its catalog.

Here’s an example of how the Giphy bot for Telegram works.

Inline Telegram Giphy bot

Perks for users and businesses: these bots can be used in personal conversations, business groups, and channels, so there is no need to leave the messenger to get the content you need.

Best Telegram bots for groups

Here’s a must-have Telegram bot list for group admins who want to protect their communities from spam, repetitive automated messages, and unconsented linking to other resources. To start using these or similar bots, you need to add them as admins to your group.

  • Shieldy (@shieldy_bot) — an advanced bot for automated spam deletion, user greeting, warnings and bans, and captcha tests for newcomers;
  • CalsiBot (@CalsiBot) — a general-purpose group administration bot with some fun commands like /emojify;
  • Combot (@combot) — the biggest community management service for Telegram groups offering moderation, analytics, triggers, and other features;
  • Rose Bot (@MissRose_bot) — a powerful and speedy community management bot supporting over 30 languages;
  • The Join Captcha Bot (@join_captcha_bot) — a simple verification bot that sends an image captcha to each new user that joins a group.

Most anti-spam Telegram bots also do a great job at maintaining general order in the group and making sure that new members don’t flood the chat. They’re usually customizable — you decide which commands to enable or disable. Telegram bots for groups typically come with documentation that is accessible through the /help command.

Free Telegram bots for channels

Here, we’ve gathered some of the best Telegram bots that can help you engage your channel’s audience smoothly, in a hands-off manner. To be precise, these solutions enable you to build feedback bots, which can be used to gather replies from your subscribers in an automated way.

  • Livegram Bot (@LivegramBot) — a straightforward free Telegram bot for feedback bot building through @BotFather;
  • SUCH (@such) — a stand-alone solution for channel support with quick replies, automated welcome messages, team members, and more.

Feedback bots also help you protect your identity by redirecting subscribers to a virtual persona instead of your real Telegram account.

Thrilled and ready to create your own Telegram bot?

Look no further — we’ve got you covered. Try our code-free bot builder where you can build intuitive and unique chatbots for Telegram, Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp in a matter of minutes. We provide foolproof instructions on how to get started and add different features to your bot.

Here is how it works: you outline the conversational logic for your bot, build it in our visual editor, and test it right away to experience it from a user’s perspective. You can always make changes and create additional scenarios for your Telegram chatbot.

Your brand should stay connected 24/7, but why should you? Use bots to send personalized notifications, promotional messages, and automated replies to your users around the clock. Create your first chatbot for Telegram today and see how it benefits your business.

Date of publication:

December 5, 2023
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