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Real Estate Landing Pages That Really Sell [Tips and Examples]

Real Estate Landing Pages That Really Sell [Tips and Examples]

The real estate market can definitely be called one of the toughest spheres in marketing. First, because of the complexity and high cost of the product. Second, because of the extreme competition and diverse number of offers on the market, which makes customer acquisition cost — and total marketing expenses — very high. In these conditions, an effective real estate landing page is a must if you want to catch your potential customer.

What is a landing page?

A landing page is a web page created specifically to accumulate traffic and push visitors to take a particular action — giving you their email addresses and phone number, signing up, or buying something. It can be a freestanding web page or a page on your website. You can create several landings to tailor them to a particular audience segment or carry out A/B-testing.

Do not confuse a landing page with a website’s homepage. A homepage is used for informing and navigation. Its purpose is to make a visitor acquainted with your company and its products. A homepage is the one and the same for all users and provides general information and web page navigation.

Who needs a landing page for real estate?

Basically, there are two types of real estate market players who need a landing page: developers and realtors or real estate agencies.

Real estate landing pages for developers

93% of prospective home buyers start their search online, the NAR survey reveals.

home search survey
Source: NAR

According to another survey, the real estate buying process includes four stages:

  1. discovery;
  2. research;
  3. selection;
  4. closing.

The best real estate landing page is one that leads a person through all the stages.

In the discovery stage, a person comes across your real estate landing page. If it is attractive and catching, it leads visitors to the next step.

In the research stage, visitors take a closer look at your offer, the house or office, and company. If the landing page is informative enough, they can get more specific data right there. To answer common questions from potential customers, you can create a real estate chatbot for Facebook and integrate a chatbot subscription widget straight into your landing page.

In the selection stage, you still can influence a prospect with your landing page, activating both rational and non-rational choice mechanisms. For example, your landing page should include a list of advantages of working with you — create an impression of a complete approach to real estate choice from finding a place to closing the deal. At the same time, the design and copy of your landing page should include psychological triggers that provoke the feeling of nostalgia — and thus, users will feel emotional bonds with the house or apartment you are offering.

In the closing stage, you also can use a landing page — provide the customer with necessary contacts and services going forward.

Real estate landing pages for agents

According to an NAR survey, 87% of buyers bought and 92% of sellers sold their homes through a real estate agent or broker. Real estate agents understand the importance of effective digital marketing. 46.4% of real estate professionals say that their top marketing challenge is generating enough high-quality leads and 23.4% claim that converting their leads into business is the biggest challenge, Placester survey shows. Using a landing page will help you reduce the difficulty of these challenges with ease.

You can arrange your landing page for lead generation: add lead magnets, organize lead forms, use a powerful CTA. Don’t forget about having a proper copy: visitors should understand that you are experienced with the purchase and selling process, the market and the local area, you can deal with the paperwork and so on.

3 main types of real estate landing pages

The type of the real estate landing page depends on the type of lead you need to attract: a seller or a buyer.

Home value landing pages

Landing pages of this type are designed to attract potential sellers. A common approach is to offer a potential home seller to enter the address and get the estimate. Usually, the form is located at the first screen.

home value landing page
The first screen of HomeLight landing page

There can be two subtypes of home value landing pages:

  • instant valuation real estate landing pages where visitors get the valuation immediately though it can be not very accurate;
  • delayed valuation real estate landing pages where a visitor leaves their contacts and waits for more precise valuation.

Home search landing pages

These landing pages are aimed to attract buyers, investors, or householders.

home search landing page
Mayfair offers to find a house almost all over the world

To get access to the agent’s property database, a visitor leaves their contacts: immediately or after a limited number of searches.

Free content landing pages

These real estate landing pages are suitable for both buyers and sellers.

Offering content to get user’s contacts is a common practice in marketing on the whole. Speaking of real estate agencies and brokers, they can offer a market research, checklists for first-time homebuyers, or guides to home staging.

free content landing page
Bond Real Estate offers various types of publications: guides, reports, and other

How to create landing pages for real estate

An average home buyer visits ten homes before purchasing “the one.” So you need to differentiate yourself from competitors to make your place or company recognizable and easily remembered. Use an eye-catching design, compelling copy, and interactive features. Below you’ll find some actionable tips related to important elements of a real estate landing page.


Use short and to-the-point headings: a page visitor should immediately understand what the page is about. Mention how you can benefit your potential customer. You can test copy formulas such as AIDA (Attention-Interest-Desire-Action) and PMPHS (Pain-More Pain-Hope-Solution).

Try to find an eye-catching background such as an autoplay video — it will encourage a page visitor to stay on your landing longer.

real estate landing page header
Noble Black offers to help find a “dream home” — and shows magnificent views of New York

CTA and buttons

You can’t create a landing page without a CTA button. Decide which action you expect from a visitor — to leave their email address, schedule a phone call, or schedule a showing — create a button with clear copy to show visitors what you want from them.

real estate landing page CTA
NextHome Premier uses three buttons. It may seem like too many but a visitor will definitely find how to contact the agent

If you use subscription forms, do not overload them — an email address or telephone number is enough to stay in touch.

Photos and videos

87% of potential buyers think photos are “the most useful” feature of a real estate website.

Value of real estate website features

website features research
Source: NAR

You should use real photos — no stock photos. Think of the details, composition, and surrounding. The images and videos should create a mood and provoke emotions. It’s better to unite images and videos with a central theme — a calm and cozy vibe, or luxury and power.

To make your website more recognizable, use branding. But remember to keep balance; otherwise, you risk distracting users from the property itself.

Core Real Estate’s landing page consists almost only of video and photos

It’s a good practice to show not only the properties themselves, but say a little about your team. Introduce your team members: thus, creating a feeling of honesty and transparency. Moreover, images with people are proven to be more engaging for ads and marketing generally.


Highlight your advantages so that visitors can make their choice to use your services faster. You can organize the points into a chart, list, infographic, or other scannable medium.

real estatelanding page advantages
Comparing themselves to other agents, REX Real Estate shows both its advantages and knowledge of the market

Social proof

People trust other people more than brands — social proof is a powerful motivator. Add customer success stories and feedback to your landing page. If appropriate, mention your partners and any awards you have received.

real estate landing page social proof
Noble Black uses the Wall Street Journal rating as a social proof

Real-time messaging features

Real-time communication is extremely important for markets with high competition. There are two main means to organize real-time communication with your prospects: online chats, and social media chatbots.

With an online chat, you can provide a user with all the necessary information and create positive user experience. Moreover, through communication you get valuable insights about your audience.

online chat on real estate landing page
REX Real Estate using online chat on their landing page to communicate with visitors right away

Social media chatbots, in turn, allow businesses to simplify and unify their workflow and save human resources. Try Facebook chatbot by SendPulse and benefit from a reduced workload. You can put a subscription widget on your landing page to gather visitors’ information and get new subscribers. Then you can create complex message flows not only with text, but also with an image, list, button with a link, and much more.

Other interactive features

Virtual tours, maps, and mortgage calculators are appropriate to make content on your real estate landing page more dynamic.

real estate landing page interactive content
REX Real Estate shows how much a client can save

You can also include a short survey — ask about the visitors preferred neighborhood or desires for their building — use this to make a personalized offer in the future.

Real estate landing page examples

Below you’ll find three good examples of real estate landing pages — and what we like about them.

REX Real Estate

REX Real Estate is a real estate broker that works in 17 US states. REX Real Estate helps people buy and sell properties, offering the “lowest fees in the industry,” and turnkey service. They cover everything from professional photos of the properties on sale to moving services.

REX Real Estate’s landing page

What’s nice:

  • clear copy shows benefits for a user — for example, customers can “save up to 70%” selling home with the help of this agency;
  • feedback from real people — includes photos;
  • there is a calculator that shows how much the agency saves their clients;
  • the customer journey is a simple five-step timeline.

Noble Black

Noble Black is a Manhattan luxury real estate broker. The company offers exclusive listings on the Fifth Avenue, Central Park South, the Upper West Side, and other upscale communities.

Noble Black’s landing page

What’s nice:

  • captivating copy — for instance, Noble Black promises to help you “find your dream home;”
  • eye-catching background — autoplay video with scenes from New York;
  • high quality photos of the properties offered;
  • social proof — the Wall Street Journal’s rating of the company is listed.

Country Club Towers and Garden

Country Club Towers and Garden is a real estate agency from Denver, Colorado.

Country Club Towers and Garden’s landing page

What’s nice:

  • their images set mood and provoke emotion;
  • visual storytelling: you don’t need to read to understand that the property combines the advantages of living in the countryside and the city;
  • lots of details: you can see the neighborhood and floor plans;
  • an actual map showing the surrounding area.

How to promote your real estate landing page

Imagine: you’ve read our recommendations, got inspired from the references above, and finally created your real estate landing page. But it’s still too early for congratulations: now you need traffic. There are several ways you can promote your real estate landing page.

If you want to get a lot of traffic in a short time, paid advertising via Google Ads and Facebook Ads is what you need.

But be aware of two things. First, real estate is an expensive ad category: there are many competitors, so the cost per action is high. Second, you should be extremely careful when targeting: look out for accidentally sending ads to an irrelevant audience, using incorrect keywords in Google Ads, or the incorrect placements of Facebook Ads can drain your ad budget.

Talking about ad formats, photos and videos are the best option: the visual part is highly important in real estate; photos and videos are more effective than text ads. Keep that in mind when choosing ad platforms and the placement of your actual ad content: for Google Ads, try bumper ads on YouTube, with Facebook Ads — use Instagram posts and stories.

Don’t forget about retargeting and remarketing campaigns.

Use cross-posting, guest publications on specialized blogs and media outlets, and email campaigns from your partners to tell the audience about yourself, your projects, and properties. When appropriate, add a link to your landing page. This is another form of social proof — you are recommended by other people.

What’s next

As soon as you get contact information from a prospect, you should warm up the lead: it takes a lot of time to make a purchase decision to buy, sell, hire, or rent a home. Email marketing is one of the ways you can build trusting relationships with customers in the real estate industry.

It’s a good practice to start with a welcome email where you introduce yourself, and thank a subscriber for joining your mailing list. You should also tell new subscribers how often you’re going to send emails and what they will be about to give them an idea what to expect. For example, you can notify your subscribers about new blog posts or provide them with the latest industry news. Don’t forget about mailing list segmentation to make personalized offers.

SendPulse can help you with all of these processes and more. You can create impressive emails even if you don’t know HTML: a simple drag-and-drop editor and more than 100 templates are at your fingertips. Moreover, with SendPulse, you can segment your audience precisely, create personalized emails, and do A/B testing.

Automate your routine, keep in touch with your customers constantly, and grow your sales!

Date of publication:

March 19, 2020
Irina Silyanova

Dealing with texts as an author, editor, and content marketer for more than five years.

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