How to export email campaign data

The SendPulse email service allows you to export recipients’ email addresses and campaign statistics to your device. The reports provide the information on your email marketing campaign effectiveness (overall statistics, recipient location, a click map in the email body, and error statistics).

Exporting recipients’ email addresses

Export of email addresses means downloading a file with basic data about each contact, including their email address, location, name, email sending and opening date, click-through time, device type, and browser.

Go to Email > My campaigns. Select an email campaign to export its recipients’ email addresses. Go to the List of reports section, and click Export.

Select a file format, and click Export.

Users’ email addresses are exported in the XLSX or CSV file format. You can also select contacts of a certain status using the filter options. For example, you can view statistics only on the email addresses to which your campaign was successfully delivered. To do this, select the Delivered status in the filter.

Go to List of recipients tab. Click Filter, select a status, and click Export.

As a result, a report file of the specified format with subscribers' email addresses will be generated.

You can export the contents of any mailing list in the Mailing Lists section in the same way.

Exporting statistics

In an opened email campaign, go to the Campaign statistics tab.

You can export campaign data in four different tabs (Campaign statistics, Opens by location, Clicks map, and Error statistics).

Campaign statistics

Go to Email > My Campaigns. Select a campaign, go to the Campaign statistics tab, and click Export results. Select a format (PDF or CSV).

The report will contain all the information from the three available statistics graphs.

Campaign statistics The number of sent and delivered emails and errors.
Delivery statistics The number and percentage of emails opened, links clicked, spam complaints, and unsubscribes.
Subscriber activity chart The time when users opened and interacted with emails.

If you save your file as a CSV, you can view statistics without a graph — only numbers for each indicator.

Opens by location

Go to the Opens by location tab, and scroll down to Export data. Choose a format (PDF or XLS), and download the file.

The file will contain a table with countries and cities where users opened your emails and the number of times they did it.

Clicks map

Go to the “Clicks map” tab, and scroll down to Export data. Choose a format (PDF or XLS format), and download the file.

The tab and the data in it will be available when the user clicks the link.

You will get a list of links users clicked through and the number of times they did it.

Error statistics

Go to the Error statistics tab, and scroll down to Export data. Choose a format (PDF or XLS), and download the file.

In the file, you can view your campaign and error statistics.

Read more: Email statuses explanation.

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